Events and Attractions to See Off Your Bike in Moab.


What’s Happening in Moab, March 8th - March 11th 2025

With the 24th annual Skinny Tire Festival FAST APPROACHING, over 550 registered cyclists are making their final preparations. How they want to travel into Moab (psst…we have a blog on that too), increasing their cardio and cycling training, booking hotels, and learning more about Moab itself - What to do, where to eat, etc.

That’s a lot to do! However…it’s the fun kind of work, is it not? The only thing better than being on a road cycling adventure is planning and dreaming about when you will be on the adventure. :) And while we are biased, and think road cycling in Moab IS the coolest thing you can do here, we know there is a lot of amazing attractions, tour guides, and places to see in town. Moab is simply, incredible.

Discover Moab is an amazing resource for ALL things Moab, a resource website you should absolutely check out before you head to Moab.

What can be harder to know about, however, is what’s happening in town while you are in town. Special events, fundraisers, or musical shows. The events the locals go to. Well, we’re here to help.

We’ve taken the time to pull together a few special things happening in Moab you might want to check out, once the routes are completed and bikes have been cleaned for the day.


When: Sunday, March 9th, 4 pm - 8 pm
Where: Proper Brewing Company
Benefits: Friends of Arches and Canyonlands Parks
Admission: $35 (buy online here)

Details: Get ready to indulge in some delicious brews and mouthwatering burgers while supporting Moab’s local national parks! This in-person event is a great opportunity to meet fellow beer enthusiasts and park lovers while enjoying live music performed by the Cactus Cat Band, two gleaming saxophones with ethereal vocals, textural guitar, melodic bass, and all-encompassing drums.

In addition to great food, brew and music, there will be prizes to win throughout the night!

This will be a really fun event, supporting an amazing local nonprofit, and is within walking distance to the Skinny Tire Festival’s host hotel, the Aarchway Inn. Your ticket purchase includes one free drink ticket, a souvenir pint glass, and entry into the prize drawings.


When: Month of March
Where: Dead Horse Point State Park Visitors Center
Admission: By Donation

Details: The Moab Museum is proud to collaborate with Dead Horse Point State Park and The Museum of Film and Western Heritage to utilize the Park's visitor center to exhibit Spirit and Grit: Ranching in Canyonlands. Display materials such as pedestals and cases were acquired through support from our local and regional communities. Collaborating with our partners, members, and donors makes exhibitions like this possible to share stories about this incredible region with a worldwide audience.

#3 Moab Giants

Photo from Moab Giants website.

When: Year Round Attraction
Where: Moab Giants
Admission: $18

Details: On day one of the Skinny Tire Festival you will bike past a fun attraction known as Moab Giants. This place is worth a second look off the bike! The attraction has many to-scale dinosaurs throughout their outdoor exhibit (you’ll soon see!) - But they also have a 3D theatre, 5D prehistoric aquarium, interactive tracks museum, and more. Learn about the amazing dinosaur history in our local area, and see some amazing dino models in the process!

#4 General Adventures

And of course don’t forget, when off the bike, Moab has no shortage of amazing and epic adventures you can try. Here are some popular ones:

Sunset Hummer Ride Tours

Zipline Tours


Horseback Riding



We hope this gives you a better insight into some ways you can even further enhance your time in Moab, while you attend the 24th annual Skinny Tire Festival, March 8th - 11th 2025. Still need to register? It’s not too late! Use the button below to get started.


Win Entry to the 2026 Skinny Tire Festival


The Participant Perspective