Skinny Tire Registration Still on Hold, Waitlist is Now Live


Registration Pause Remains

We hope all of our cyclists are staying safe, staying warm, and able to get outside and pound the pavement while looking to brighter days down the road. In this blog post we will cover:

  • An update on the registration status

  • More information on our local Covid-19 situation

  • Option to signup for the waitlist

  • Check-in With Existing Registrants

Registration Status Update

As of today (1/11/2020) the state of Utah is still in a high-risk Covid-19 risk level, and is in a state of emergency, per the declaration of then-Governor Herbert, on 12/30/2020. The Grand County Commission in conjunction with our local Southeastern Utah Health Department has placed event participant caps on events in Moab in 2021, directly correlating to the state’s risk level.

With Utah well inside the high risk numbers, we have decided to keep our registration paused. We will re-evaluate and post another registration update on 2/15/2021 to determine if and when we would be able to turn registration back on.

More on our local Covid situation

In November of 2020 it became known the county, in conjunction with the Southeastern Utah Health Department, was considering limiting capacity on spring 2021 events based on the COVID-19 risk levels at the time of the scheduled events. In late December, that measure was passed and the following restrictions are placed on events (We do not know of any restrictions placed on lodging at this time.)

High Risk Level: Participant level capped at 250.

Moderate Risk Level: Participant level capped at 1,000.

As soon we learned this measure was in consideration, we placed a pause on our registration as we had already exceeded the registration participation cap.

You can use this link to see more on the state of Utah’s risk levels, and you can use this link to see Grand County COVID-19 information. These risk levels are updated every Thursday.

What Now?

Simply put, we wait.

We hope that everyone in their states, counties, and cities play an active role in reducing the transmission of Covid-19 such that our risk level can drop well within the confines of Moderate and we can turn on registration again. For now, we can only work with the information we know, which is we are currently in a high risk level, and can not accept more registrations.

We will re-evaluate these numbers again on 2/15/2021 and post an update regarding registration options.

Waitlist Has Been Activated

Many of you (Many! We appreciate your interest!) have inquired about the ability to get on a waitlist in the event the risk level is moderate and we can accept more cyclists. Your requests have been answered and we have activated an electronic waitlist system.

We want to be incredibly clear regarding how the waitlist will work. Please read the following before adding yourself to the waitlist.

  1. When you sign up your payment info will be stored, but not captured.

  2. By signing up to be on the waitlist you are agreeing to be an attendee, should a spot open up for you.

  3. You acknowledge the risk that this is a no transfer, no refund waitlist.

  4. The latest you could be notified of whether you are or are not moved into the event will be February 26th, 2021 by 3pm MST.

Interested to signup for the waitlist? Use this link to sign up.

Info For Existing Participants

Risk Assessment

As we all knew when we entered into planning - or registering - for the 2021 Skinny Tire Festival, health risks still might play a factor for this event. We made clear these risks in our COVID playbook and again in the registration waivers every participant agreed to when registering (copy of the text here.)

For now, we’re simply asking for your patience.

While we obviously can’t guarantee anything, we are hopeful that with a quiet winter in Moab and vaccinations beginning to be administered in Utah, there is a good chance we will be at the moderate risk level in March. We will re-evaluate by 2/15/2021 and provide another update at that time.

Plan to Not Attend?

Have you already decided you will not be attending the Skinny Tire Festival in March? We understand and respect your decision. Please let us know ASAP as we need to monitor our active registration numbers very carefully.

You can email Beth with this link to let us know you will not be attending.


Updates for Registered and Waitlisted Cyclists


Temporary Pause on Skinny Tire Festival Registration