Traveling to Moab, Utah - Some Tips
You may be surprised at just how easy it is to get to Moab- by car, by plane, or even by train, and what those options entail. That’s why we have put together some traveling tips for you so that your next trip to Moab - even if it’s your first for our event - is your best yet!

Photo Contest Winners Announced
Click to view some submitted photos from the 2021 Moab Century Tour photo contest. Also, registration for 2022 is now live!

Photo Contest: Win Entry to the 2022 Moab Century Tour!
We want to see all those great photos when you cycle our mountains and canyons! We’re so excited to see them, we’re giving away FREE entry to the Moab Century Tour 2022! Click to learn the details.

Be Sure to Bring Your Camera!
With the Moab Century Tour just a short 25 days away, we wanted to share some of our favorite photos taken by past participants on route! We think you can agree, it’s worth bringing the iphone/camera with you on the ride!

Training for the Moab Century Tour? Here are Some Helpful Resources
Preparing for a century ride can be daunting, especially if this is your first! We are often asked for resources and training tips to help make sure you are in the best shape you can be entering the Moab Century Tour weekend.

What's New in Moab: Eateries
If it’s been a while since you’ve been to Moab, or attending one of our events will be the first, we wanted to let you know about some new(er) eateries in town you will want to check out! No need to plan to cook, we have every meal covered for you.

Registration closes this WEDNESDAY!
For COVID precautions we will not be allowing same-day/walkup registration as we have in years past. All cyclists wanting to participate must be pre-registered online no later than Wednesday, September 16th by 11pm MST.